A quick synopsis of the story without giving it away (I hope). It takes place in London where a dystopian society under fascist rule of a political party (don't recall name) basically lives in fear because religion, political prisoners and/or anyone that do not conform to party's system social norms are to be sent to concentration camps, experimented upon, and eventually exterminated. The party leader would often use the terms "a threat to national security" to justify his extermination of political "dissidents", religion, and other nonconformists. It was also his way of implanting fear and guilt in those that bought into his nonsense.
The Guy in the Mask ... is Awesome
One of the protagonist in the film, in which throughout the entire film wears this Guy Fawkes mask and the film never reveals his name, only that he is known as "V" which also happens to be roman numeral 5... he was in the 5th cell of this imprisonment. I assume it is symbolic since in concentration camps (or at least in Hitler's concentration camps) that one loses his/her identity and becomes associated with only a number and not a name and so this protagonist remains anonymous to the audience.
Even though in this particular film the protagonist actually acts as the inciter, the catalyst that drives the film...we enjoy not only the movie, but also gain insight from it. I, for one, also admire the character. A movie where, the "bad" guy makes the best good guy.
A for Amazing, A for Awesome, A for Anonymous.
Authorities and politics are recipe of corruption...justice is not objective.
Credit Is Given When It's Deserved
Anonymous may be participating in activities that hurt businesses, but I wonder if they mean to cause actual harm. In regards to retaliation to the online privacy, they are making a statement. "Our lives begin to tend the day we become silent about things that matter." - MLK. I'm glad there are still people out there actively fighting for what matters to them. Their method of fighting back/protesting may be breaking the law (laws are meant to be broken), they do it not only for themselves but several million others that more or less are incapable of retaliating in such a way. Must give them credit, they do make a more-than-satisfying job of being the appealing "bad" guy and the "good" guys looking like morons. They managed to break into companies and the Feds...still not caught. Group of anarchist like these are only seen in the movies...I'm glad I'm alive to witness a great group of rag tag hackers! They are for sure a very audacious group; well aware that they are breaking the law, managed not to gloat about their achievements (most suckers would gloat by now), because they know that they could potentially get caught if they aren't discreet.

Only common people have interest for common activities, the moment they gain a little recognition...is also the moment the start to put their wants before the needs of others or...their single need before the needs of many. They represent truer justice...I haven't yet to read anything, anywhere that paints anonymous in positive light. Which makes me wonder a little if it's because they are anarchist of the internet, challenging defense cyber-security. Aside from the Megaupload retaliation, there's also the Bank of America Foreclosure, and wikileaks.
At the very least, these hackers can die knowing they made a difference, knowing they truly lived, doing what they love, and fighting for what matters. That's a lot more than many can say they have done in their lifetime.
Just to further my point a little...think of Hitler, Castro, and even Stalin. Yes, these three leaders killed millions of people. However, they somehow managed to climb to power, maintain power and had millions of people, their country to believe in them and their system. They had other people participating in the execution of others, now that is one powerful combination of fear and persuasion!
"Megaupload was taken down w/out SOPA being law. Now imagine what will happen if it passes. The internet as we know it will end. FIGHT BACK." - Anonymous
-The Social Nerd